Vision without direction: Lessons learnt from a futile journey.

Without vision, you have no direction. Without direction, you have no purpose.

“Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he.” Proverbs 29:18 (KJV).

Hi dear, 

My heart is indicting to tell you how my day went and the lessons I learnt from a bad experience I had today. What a painful and stressful event it was! Indeed, it is true that speed in the wrong direction is only a waste of time and can be a waste of life if the change is not effected on time. It’s a story of moving with a vision but without the right direction.

So, sometime last month, one of the senior administrative staff, Mr Kingpraise, called me into his office to inform me that he was recommended to the National Examination Council (NECO) as a supervisor in the ongoing Basic Education Certificate Examination (BECE). I was so happy as I considered that an open door. Finally, God has begun to answer my prayers, I thought. In my heart, I kept praying that there should be no bad change about the nomination. Funny, right? Yeah… 

On Saturday, I joined many other nominated supervisors in a meeting or briefing organized by NECO. It was a beautiful experience… one day, I will tell you about this… smiles. Fast forward to Monday, I woke quite late, therefore getting to school late. The penalty for that is a deduction of 500 NGN from my salary at the end of the month… a whole 500 NGN fa… I later met the Vice PRINCIPAL, who filled a part of a required form for me and asked me to make copies. And I did, as instructed, at the admin office. Funny enough, I entered the office while very hot and sweet conversations about marriage and the role of men in marriage was been discussed. Even though I tried not to join the conversation, I couldn’t hold myself because the whole argument was against the principle of God about marriage… I will tell you about this later. 

I set out to go to the Custodian point, at Fidelity Bank, First Avenue here in Gwarinpa. I got there on time but things moved a little bit slower than expected. Later, the anxiety to get the examination materials and heading to the examination centres increased. For me, that was my first experience. I am a JJC. Moreover, one of the things of me was to get information from the person representing the school I will be supervising. When we finally met, he asked me for a description of my school, which I gladly told him and told him, that later I will get his number. This is where my wilderness’ walk started because I couldn’t get his number as he was able to get his materials early and headed to my school, the centre he was to supervise, lucky for him, the custodian point and his centre are in the same estate, one of the biggest estate in Africa. I mean, the Gwarinpa estate, acclaimed to be built by a former military head of state, General Sani Abacha, 

However, for me, it was a rough journey. Since I couldn’t get the direction, I quickly consult Mr., Google, smiles… truly, Google gave me an address but it was so alien to me. I, therefore, read the map and gave it my own understanding and started my journey from the express. I asked one of the agbenros, “Boss, abeg I how to fit get to Katampe”, I asked, some that were the obvious area I saw on the map. I need to learn how to read map sha oh. Without hesitation, he told me to move up and stop a vehicle in that direction. I quickly joined one, since I was running late already for the examination. 

My dilemma truly began when I got to Katampe junction at Jahi and I asked almost everyone there about the school, Primestar Standard Model School, and not even one person knew the school. At that time, I knew I was in trouble. At this point, my spirit was told to call my VP and ask him to help me get to the man sent to my school, who I was also going to his school. But I ignore the nudge mainly because I didn’t want to make the Vice Principal see me as being unserious, since I was supposed to get the man’s number and even get the direction of the school from him. 

Therefore, I decided to locate the school by myself but seriously that was the dullest thing I choose to do. So, I asked and a paramilitary man asked me to enter a bike and go down towards the junction leading to the next cash and carry and continue to look right so that I will see the school by the right. I fell for it. Omo. We were going and in my spirit, I knew that I was going on the wrong path. at a point I stopped the bike man and asked him to continue and later I saw another school and asked the people and students on the school bus if they know any PrimeStar model schools around the area, but they couldn’t tell me any precise address, so I knew that what you don’t know, you don’t know. simple!

5o, I got to next cash and carry, paid tie bike man and became more frustrated, I sat down, I was so angry, I felt I have just entered one chance. I felt like giving up, but I knew the destines of some students, seven of them were in my hands, if I chose to go back, they will not write those papers, but if I choose to move further in my search, maybe I could be helped, so I consulted bolt, but my bot app refused to loan until I deleted it and downloaded another one, before them, sometime else happened, now, I feel like I lost some money out of foolishness that results from the lack of direction. 

In the end, I had to do what my spirit told me to do, that is, call the Vice Principal of my school to help get the contact of the other supervisor that was sent to my school. Mr Cyril, graciously gave me the direction, his own number and the number of Mr James, the Vice principal of Primiestar Model School. Although I was angry and quite frustrated, I had to go to the school and conduct the examination, since the students commit no offence and they shouldn’t suffer for a problem they didn’t create. 

I went to the school, and although, quite far and rough, I was glad I was able to conduct the examination and the students didn’t forfeit their examination. It will be a great privilege to write or discuss my experiences and discoveries during the examination at a later time.

My experience today taught me a lot of lessons, including that although great visions are beautiful, they can only be attained when the right direction to achieving them is followed. In addition, before embarking on any project or program, you must ensure that you get all the relevant required information and wisdom (understanding) about the project or program. The second lesson is that never be too proud to admit your wrong and your need for help, remember that human beings make mistakes too. Another lesson is that the only way to get to your destination is by going or following the right directions. You may know or have discovered your purpose and destiny or assignment in life, but you also need to get the direction to attain your dreams or purposes. Lastly, always, acknowledge God. I would have obeyed the nudge within my spirit and been vulnerable to the corrections of God that may come through my Vice Principal. That will have shortened my wandering experience and helped me get to my desired destination on time. 

So, dear, I have learnt my lessons, and I want you to learn from my experience as you read this article. 

Thank you. 


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