Brain Banks: a story of total freedom

 Brain Banks: A story of total freedom

Tonight, I watched a movie, "Brain Banks". This movie tells more than the story of 16 year old football champion that was accused of rape, served eleven years in prison, six months in confinement. This movie reminds me of the life of most Christians. 

At some point, we were under the siege of the devil, we made mistakes, we messed up. Then, we were declared guilty because we really were guilty. Guilty of sins, guilty of self, guilty of covenant with devil. Then, Jesus came to set us. Hallelujah. We became free, but guilt still hunted us. 

Moreover, after Brains' release from prison, he was put under house arrest and must not to move more than 200 feet away from his house. He couldn't even get a job, his dream of becoming a professional football player was dashed. 

This is the story of most christian, even though, we were made free when we received Jesus, the devil still kept us in great confinement, and tied us with so much barriers through list and guilt.

The devil kept tracking us with our past, he tracked us and made our lives useless. And like the inspector who kept eyes on Brains, the spirit of guilty kept eyes on us, ensuring we  did not move closer to God. We couldn't move away from our past more than 200 feet. 

However, the word of God is true, which says, "...the truth shall set you free" John 8:32. The truth about the incident was revealed, the case was reopened and Brains was declared innocent. So, it is when we also encounter the truth in the word of God revealed by the Holy Spirit about our status in Christ. This truth set us free and makes us new. 2Corinthains 5:17 reveals to us that we are new creatures in Christ. Now we are free, our sins are washed away. Christ now lives in us through the Holy Spirit and our life is Christ. 

Lastly, we are not free to remain in the confinement, or be restricted but free to dominate the earth with our talents, our skills, our characters, etc. We now carry Christ, the light into all spheres of life.


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