The Reason for Life: to the Ends of the Earth. Part 1

"What GOOD is LIVING the LIFE you've been GIVING if all you do is STAND in one PLACE?" Lord Huron

In these last twenty-one days, I have lodged in 10 rooms, travelled 9 towns, lived in 3 cities, visited 2 renowned universities—meeting all and sundry in uncommon places. Today, I paid a cursory visit to the University of Abuja🇳🇬  . The University—‘unity in diversity’—accomodates all walks of life amidst its gigantic faculties, encompassing schools, diverse disciplines and elaborate studies—The Reason for Living. The university is the hub for molding culture-shift agents, the laboratory for testing intellectual sages, the epitome of elites and gurus in the corridors of power. We cannot overemphasize the sole purpose of this great a phenomena. 

As I walk the width and breadth of the nation's capital university, I see the myriads of life's questions nailed to the Wittenberg doors of each faculty. The medical student is being trained to prescribe life's meaning by saving its tenants, the law student is schooled to explain the rule of conduct to life's victims, the philosopher begins his career by popularizing the meaninglessness of life in his own jurisprudence. They are left to deconstruct moral absolutes, and explain the existential meaning of life in the confines of the academia.

What is the reason for life? Has the university been able to achieve its sole purpose of uniting diversities? The university has left its students wandering with little or no inclination—in the words of the great Chinua Achebe, "things fall apart...the center no longer holds.” The university mass-produces its alums, readily-packaged to meeting life at its exterior interlude rather than engaging its characters on script. This model of reality seems nuanced until a paradigm bomb hits the Hiroshima of their soul—a World War II they are not prepared for, opening the vacuum—suddenly they discover their intellectual module can only explain briskly the ordinary life. Their understanding of what the university teaches about life and its emissaries is faulty—the university has prepared them to combat life at its exterior, making them merry-go-round in a subliminal cycle.

What then is the solution? Should we prolong this debate or label it cynical? What is the Reason for Living? The one question the university can't answer.  We cannot not know the Reason for Living without having the basis for life—The TRUTH. Plato says “Truth is the beginning of every good to the "gods" and of every good to "man” Should Plato be right, then the university is wrong. For the student cannot know more than it master, hence the university more than Plato—upon the bedrocks of great thinkers like him the university hinges its philosophical foundation.

Truth must be, and always is the basis for living. One must visit life and its emissaries with the virtue of truth. Plato is erecting the Christian Cross as the Crux of Life. One cannot relate to God horizontally without abandoning his own falsehood, not to talk of relating to his neighbour vertically if truth isn't the essence of morality. The question of right standing with God must be answered if worship must be in spirit and in truth—the society will be in utmost disarray should truth be jettisoned.

 The university has ignored the words of its founding fathers. Plato is taken aback at the visible chasm that borders the center of all learning. The quintessential ingredient has been replaced with a fad. How can the university change the society without changing its products? This isn't a rhetorical question, this is the one question like a strand of thread that unlocks the knots.

To be continued on the blog—The Amplified Truth.

Written by:

Popoola Israel (Popo's Law Israël)

#StartYourWeekendRight #WhatOnEarthAreYouHereFor #DoesYourLifeHaveAMeaning #TheReasonforLiving #RedeemerCitytoCity #VeritasForum #AlwaysKeller

  © August, 2021 In Lav ñ Truth:

    __Popo’s Law Israël🥰 FCT, Abuja🇳🇬



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