A friend of mine, while alighting from a vehicle, fell down. While relating the story to me, I asked her, “who picked you up?” then, she emphatically, with a smile, told me, “I picked myself up”. This is more than just a statement to me, it sent a clear message to me, that in life, although, we need people to be around us, encourage us, motivate us and inspire us. However, the crowd, friends and family may not be there every time to pick us up or inspire us to continue when we fail or fall. This means that in the race of life and in the pursuit of success and the fulfillment of our dreams, we must ensure to be ready to encourage ourselves more than how much other persons or external elements will motivate us.

The story of a king in the Holy Book, Bible, is a good example of this. The story, although is very old but the message is evergreen. The generations to come will still be learning from this epic story. International politics is as old as human civil society itself. David, as a way of showing hid loyalty to the Philistines, who he has been dwelling with for a period of time, joined the philistine army to fight against Saul. However, the lords of Philistine, pressured by David’s victory will not allow him in their army. Therefore, he was sent back home. Very painful, but he could not do anything against their wish. (1 Samuel 29:1-11).

Having had so great a painful rejection, David and his army were greeted by another very hurtful moment when they got home. Although, they were pierced, rejected and shamed, they had consolations, their wives and children, at least, will accept them and be close to them. However, the sight of their dwelling place, the place of their refugee is more depressing than the rejection they got from the Philistines. (1 Samuel 30:1-3).

Their seemingly little joy turned to mourning, their celebration turned to weeping. Their expectation has now been dashed twice. And, a final affliction is about to rise. They cried and wept until they lacked strength to weep further. This is the state many of us are now, we won some battles already, but it seems like the wars we didn’t foresee, the ones in our blind spot, are overwhelming us, taken us aback, and are brutally hampering our joy, laughter and peace. And For some of us, we had been rejected severally, forsaken by many people we had helped at one point or the other. The ones we trust most have also rejected us, we are also disappointed by the loss of our loved ones, the people we care for so darling, what a sorrowful experience it is. We are at some points, we don’t even know the next thing to do than just to cry and mourn over our loses and failure. (1 Samuel 30:1-6A)

For David, it was more devastating because the people around were weaker than he was. Well, he was the leader. Leaders are stronger and braver than the followers. Among these people, were the ones the Bible described as the “Mighty Men of David”. These men that did valiantly before, that one (Abishai, the brother of Joab, son of Zeruiah) slew three hundred men with just a spear. (2 Samuel 23:8-39). These same men now turned against David to stone, if he would not produce their wives and children. This is full of many indications, first that the same people you helped “may” turn against someday and somehow. And also, that being a leader means that many of the blames will be on you.

However, unlike many of us, the Bible recorded that David encouraged himself, he motivated himself. (1 Samuel 30:6b). He inspired himself, he jacked himself up, that there is always a way out. Kendra Cherry (2020) defines Motivation as “the process that initiates, guides, and maintains goal-oriented behaviors. It is what causes you to act, whether it is getting a glass of water to reduce thirst or reading a book to gain knowledge”.1

To be motivated means to see or have reasons to do or continue to do a particular task in order to achieve planned success. Motivation can be intrinsic and extrinsic, internal and external. An individual's motivation may be inspired by outside forces (extrinsic motivation) or by themselves (intrinsic motivation).2 There are many external factors that can drive one to success; money, fame, reward, family, etc., are few among these elements. However, to be internally motivated is a great virtue.

King David motivated himself, he encouraged. But, “not in himself”, he motivated himself in the Lord (1 Samuel 30:6). He knew that the arm of flesh will fail him.3 He failed already, and was at the brick of being stoned by the people he trusted most militarily. He put his trust in the Lord. He was slayed but he knew his redeemer lives and he will save him. (Job 19:25)

Yes, it is great to be motivated both intrinsically and extrincally, but it is more blessed to be encouraged in the Lord, to be sure of the word of God concerning a particular matter. That’s the way to be strong and do exploits. Then, the king called upon the King of king. He knew the battle is the Lord’s, so he cried to God. He sought the face of God on the matter at hand and the Lord heard, gave him direction and the assurance of victory. (1 Samuel 30:8) Therefore, David pursued, he ran after the enemies and in the end, he won the battle. He got more than he lost. (1 Samuel 30:8-31)

The story of David is an inspiration to all and sundry. David motivated himself, he encouraged himself in the Lord, He called upon the Lord, sought the face of God for directed, his strengthened his faith and on that might, David pursued his enemies and had great success. We must also learn to motivate ourselves, pick ourselves up, and run towards the price again.

It is a great thing that brethren spur each other to good works. (Hebrews 10:24) However, it is futile to spur someone who is not ready or has not decided to achieve a particular goal. Learning from David, we must always call upon the Lord, seeking his way, word and wisdom concerning every matter, and most especially when it seems as if we are losing out, failing or falling. Trusting and obeying God is very crucial in a time like this. I encourage to always encourage yourself in the Lord and your victory is certain.



1 Kendra Cherry (2020), “What is Motivation?”.

2 Ryan R.M and Deci E.L (2020), “Self-determination theory and facilitation of intrinsic motivation, social development, and well-being”. The American Psychologist. 55(1)


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