At times, we wonder, where did we come from? What’s our source? Some out of curiosity, have asserted that we are of the ape’s family and that we are only higher animals, better than the  other animals because we can speak different languages and are dynamic. In finding answers to these questions, some said, we are from a small god, “orunmila” created by God-an angel sent from heaven with only sand and “epuro” (palm nut). The scientists said we are products of an explosion of a big cyclical object, out of which the creatures evolved. They called it the “big bang theory”.

All these theories as good as they are, they are nothing but fallacies and people that the people that believe in them are like them. The search for the origin and essence of man still continues till today despite all the discoveries of men.

The emptiness in men for the meaning of their lives is evidence that there is something supernatural about the creation of man. That having gotten to the apex of our discoveries and having reached the climax of our evolution, there is still something in us crying for more. More of what? More about our essence, the meaning of our existence. The search remain unreachable, the hunger insatiable and the desire unquenchable.

Many had died in this search for the meaning of life and its essence. A searcher, an explorer who started a journey to seek the meaning of life, said at the beginning of his quest that “the life of man has no meaning and to the labour of man, what is the gain?” This explorer, at the end of his search, he made an assertion that;

             “Now all has been heard:

              Here is the conclusion of the matter;

          Fear God and keep his commandments;

         For this is the duty of all mankind”. Eccl. 12:13NIV

Hmmm… this is not a lofty declaration, but a heartfelt insight of a man who dedicated everything he had to know the wisdom behind the meaning of the life of a man. Without a hiatus, he found that God is the utmost goal of man and he is at the center of man’s existence. His father, David the man who fought many battles and loses nor, said God is the “fountain of life and in his light we will see light”. Psalms 36:9. What this means is that God is the very essence of our life and in fact our lives spring and originate from him. It also means that it is only in him we have life and outside him there is “no life”.

God is the wellspring of life. He is life, himself and anyone that has him has life. Many in search of fulfillment had amped up their wealth, knowledge and wives. But their theories had been trounced. King Solomon, the preacher did this too.

I hope you will see light in the Light and walk in the Way, before your frustration becomes unbearable and your search unreachable, because God alone has life.


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