Today I read some powerful stories and quotes about true friendship from the book, "The 10 Laws of Leadership" by Bill Newman. In the seventh chapter, the Australian writer and motivational speaker shared some great stories about friendship. One of them is about one great Indian preacher, Sundar Sigh, who helped a dying friend during their journey into the Tibet. 

However, there is one story that really caught my attention. It was the story of how the famous Australian Athlete, John Landy, helped a junior athlete, Ron Clarke when he fell during a race. The athletes were actually in a race to break the then world record of running a mile within four minutes. When Ron Clarke fell over, Landy had all the chance to break the record and become the then world champion and record holder but he gave away this beautiful chance in order to pick up another athlete. This is not just humility, but it also show his humanity, empathy and concern for others. 

Many of us too, have had opportunities to lift others up when they fell in the race of life but only few show love to these fallen heroes like the good Samaritan in the Holy Scripture. Many blame those that fell for their mistakes, and so many are very indifferent. I believe God was not mistaken when He expressed it is not good for man to live alone. Indeed it is not good for a man or a woman to live alone, that's why relationships and friendship are some of the most important parts of mankind. We all need ourselves to survive. 

This world will become a better, peaceful garden to live if we can always genuinely show concern and empathy to others in their situations. The life of our Lord Jesus taught us greatly on this. He did not just eat with the sinners, he preached salvation to them, he also identify with the most rejected men in His days, like Zechaeus. Jesus also ate with the deserted people, healed the sick and wept at Lazarus' tomb, all because of love and empathy. 

As much as you develop objective and goal oriented relationships with people this year, try and show more love and concern to people without any goal than to just show them love. This, I believe can change our world for better. 


Ademola Adebayo


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