A review of the book "Rich Dad, Poor Dad"

A review of the book, "Rich Dad Poor Dad" by Robert T. Kiyosaki by Adebayo Ademola M.

Virtually everybody have seen the book rich dad poor dad by the Japanese-American finance writer and tutor, Robert T. Kiyosaki before, but not everybody have read or studied this book because of the misconception about it.

The first time someone saw the book with me, he said, " Demola, you have to be careful with this book, you must gain some stamina before reading it", and I ignorantly said "ok, I don't even think I will read the book" although, I was given as a school prize for been the best student in Painting and Decoration. But, after about three years, as I were still waiting for the result of my final semester's examination in the university, I picked up the small rectangular book and I begin to read and study the book. I haven't finish the first chapter before I got so immense in it because of the unconventional but deep eye-opening lessons it was giving me. Therefore, after reading and digesting the book, I believe the best thing to do is to share with others by reviewing the book, by way of doing this, maybe someone will be motivated to read it too.

The book, "rich dad poor dad" is a fascinating book that critically explains one of the most important but often times, the most neglected areas by writers, parents, schools and religious leaders. This area is the financial aspect of our being and relationship. Robert T. Kiyosaki, who was privileged to have two dads, one rich and the other one, poor, got teachings and lessons from both dads, examined their views and decided to pitch his tent with the rich dad. Therefore, the book is all about the differences between the rich and the poor, the what make the people that belong to these different social statues to remain in that , which are also the reasons why they are what they are.

The rich teach their children what make them rich while the poor explain to their children why they are poor. Very early, from the teaching of the rich dad to Robert and Mike, his  bosom friend, it can be seen that what make people rich or poor is not in how much they have but in what they use the money to do and how they use the money and when. The poor dad is Robert's biological father, who is also very educated on the western way, having Ph.D,  worked with the government state government, later a leader of the teacher's union, but lacks financial education or fight the knowledge. Kiyosaki's rich dad is Mike's father, very educated financial, his western education was not known, owns an empire, many companies, employed intelligent and educated people, attorneys, bankers, stockbrokers, accountants, etc, to work for him.

At the very tender age nine, Kiyosaki was so desperate to be rich and make money, this made him to ask his poor dad on how to make money and be rich. His  father told him to use his head and work for money, therefore, he and his friend, Mike did an experiment that later  failed. His father then pointed him to meet with Mike's dad to teach him how money works. And this is the start of the book; the lectures on how money works.

Although, the lessons and the mode of teaching employed by the Rich dad is so harsh and crude in the beginning that Robert and Mike almost stopped learning from the rich dad, the teaching later paid off. Rich dad, practically and by examples taught the duo the basic, fundamental stones and principles that the rich know that make them rich, but the poor and the middle class  neglect or forsake, and they remain the way they are.

The book, with nine is therefore about the principles taught by the rich dad, personal experiences  and advises given by the author on how to avoid and be free from the "Rat Race" of just going to school, getting a job or been self employed, earning, paying taxes and spending. The principles of the rich are six and are consist in the first six chapter of the book. Firstly, the rich don't work for money, but they make money work for them. This happens by having corporations and investing intelligently. The second principle is on the important of the financial intelligence and literacy. Robert explains that although, school is not scam but without financial education taking seriously in school and by parents, schools will only produce students who will turn out to be interconnectal scamers after attending colleges. The third lesson is that everbodu should mind their business. By business, Kiyosaki mean asset, which is the opposite of liability. He explain that assets are anything that add or bring money to one's pocket while liabilities are what take money away from a person, mostly "without replacement". The next lesson is on the history of taxes and the power of corporation where Robert explains that taxes were although, created to take money form the rich and give the poor, but in actual sense only make the poor and middle class remain where they are and even worse, but the rich always have their way out, and this is basically through corporations. The fifth lesson is like the first, it says that the rich and those that desire to be rich always invest their money, and not just save money like the middle class does, that the best way to save money is by investing it. Robert invest majorly in real estate and stocks, anybody can emulate this, but even Robert advise that one should do the business or invest in what he or she likes and not to copy him. The last lesson is to work to learn and not to work to earn money. Here, he graciously explains that the growth of the mind is more essential than having the money in the hand, that what is in the mind determines what's in the hand.

In the last three chapters, Kiyosaki preaches on how to overcomes  limitations and obstacles that will obvious want to threaten one's wealth and financial freedom. These obstacles are not far fetched, they include, laziness, cynicism, fear, arrogance and bad habits. He also explains the steps to take to have financial control and be rich. He then gave some other pragmatic line of actions to take to be successful financially, although he advised everyone to use their own-made methods.

He closes with a final thought, that ends with "take action" and a signature.
Rich Dad Poor Dad is one of the greatest books of our time, very relevant. I urge everyone, and most especially, people that desire to be rich and financially free to read this book, digest it and take relevant actions.

It is not an anti-religious book, as some may think, it still support some religious doctrines like giving and doing good. But, be careful as you read, as my friend told me, as you read this book, examine the principle on the foundation, which is the word of God, and try to throw away the one that contradict the principles of God's finance in case you find any.

I think, I own Robert T. Kiyosaki a cup of coffee and a piece of cake, maybe when we see, I will give him for the lessons.


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