
Showing posts from April, 2020

A review of the book "Rich Dad, Poor Dad"

A review of the book, "Rich Dad Poor Dad" by Robert T. Kiyosaki by Adebayo Ademola M. Virtually everybody have seen the book rich dad poor dad by the Japanese-American finance writer and tutor, Robert T. Kiyosaki before, but not everybody have read or studied this book because of the misconception about it. The first time someone saw the book with me, he said, " Demola, you have to be careful with this book, you must gain some stamina before reading it", and I ignorantly said "ok, I don't even think I will read the book" although, I was given as a school prize for been the best student in Painting and Decoration. But, after about three years, as I were still waiting for the result of my final semester's examination in the university, I picked up the small rectangular book and I begin to read and study the book. I haven't finish the first chapter before I got so immense in it because of the unconventional but deep eye-opening lessons it was ...